Tovah Gelper and Danice Turan Discretionary Fund 

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In loving memory of Tovah Gelper and her daughter Danice Turan, their family has established a discretionary fund. These funds will be allocated by Congregation Ohr HaTorah to those in need. 

Danice, also remembered by her Hebrew name—Dena Leah bas Avrohom, was always known for her kind deeds to others.  Tovah her mother - Tovah bas Yente was involved in our community for many years. She loved the JLI classes and community programs. If you would like to make a donation in their memory, please click here. Each gift of Tzedaka will perpetuate their kindness and be a merit to their souls.

If you prefer, you may also:

1) Mail a check to:  Congregation Ohr HaTorah, 6619 Sardis Road, Charlotte, NC 28270. (Checks should be made out to Congregation Ohr HaTorah with "Danice's Fund" in the memo).

2) Call in your credit card donation to 704-366-3984.