Contact form for newcomers and/or out of town visitors to let us know you'd like to join us for shabbat/holiday services or weekday minyan: 

Name:  *

Primary Phone Number: *

Email: *

Place of Residence: 

Purpose of your visit: 

Please let us know which date(s) you plan to visit us for prayer services: 


How many people? 

Please list cell phone number of at least one reference that knows you - ie your local Chabad rabbi/ your synagogue Rabbi etc. 


You may also email [email protected] or call him at 704-366-3984 to discuss your visit to our shul. Thanks for giving us a heads up so we can look forward to your visit!

FYI: Kosher Catered Meals available at  
You can have dinner delivered to Mincha minyan for free by using Coupon Code: Mincha