Purim is just around the corner, and the spirit of Joy is already in the air!
How We're Celebrating Purim at Chabad of Charlotte
It is a mitzvah to hear the Megillah once on Purim eve, and once in the daytime.
- Saturday night, Purim eve: Megillah reading at 8:45 PM followed by Hamentashen and refreshments.
- Sunday Morning: The reading of Zachar (the portion concerning Amalek) at 9:00 AM followed by the Megillah reading.
Stop by our booth at the JCC Purim carnival to hear Megillah (right inside the JCC main entrance) at 12:30 or 2:00.
Don't forget to RSVP for Purim NYC on Sunday evening!
- Sunday Afternoon: Megillah reading at 4, followed by dinner and activities for the whole family!
The other 2 Mitzvot of Purim are Mishloach Manot - sending gifts of 2 foods to at least one friend, and Matanot La'Evyonim,
charity Join our community drive here.
There will be opportunities for all four Mitzvot at Purim NYC, but don't forget to RSVP, if you haven't yet!
Shabbat Shalom and Purim Same'ach!
If you or someone you know are unable to attend but would like to hear the Megillah, we have a team of Rabbis and volunteers who will come to your home or office! Contact us at 704-366-3984 or email [email protected]