

Thursday, 22 January, 2015 - 10:32 am

We would like to inform you that this coming Shabbat, Parshat Bo, Shevat 4, January 24, we will be celebrating with a special gratitude Kiddush luncheon at Ohr HaTorah. The Kiddush event is being co-sponsored by Meg Goldstein and Matt Luftglass and the Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community in aprreciation of all our friends who have made a Legacy Gift to Ohr HaTorah. They stand as a shining example with their benevolent deeds of Tzedaka to ensure Jewish continuity in our community. All members and friends of Ohr HaTorah are cordially invited to attend the Shabbat morning services and the special gratitude Kiddush that will follow.

Service Schedule



  • Morning service at 6:30
  • Candle lighting at 5:24 pm . 
  • Minchah at 5:25 pm. Followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv.


  • Shabbat morning Class at 9:00.
  • Shabbat morning services at 10:00.
  • Legacy Thank You Kiddush after services.
  • Mincha after the Kiddush.
  • Maariv at 6:35 p.m.


  • Morning service at 8:30.
  • Mincha at 5:25. 

 Mincha services this coming week at 5:25.

Parshah Cents


This coming Shabbat we read the portion of Bo which describes the last days of slavery and the start of the Exodus from Egypt. The laws, rituals of Passover are introduced in this week's Torah portion. The Torah describes the difficult transition the Jews faced changing from slave mentality to freedom mentality. G-d instructs the Jews to do something bold. It came in two steps. 1) To withdraw from idol worship which was the Egyptian way. 2) To proudly demontstrate their trust in G-d with the Paschal lamb Seder and painting the blood of the lamb on their door post. These bold moves were frightning to the Jews at the time as they did not know how their Egyptian masters were going to react to the Jewish Chutzpah. Yet it was this boldness and trust in G-d that activated G-d's great redemption and brought them their freedom and their forward march to Mt. Sinai.

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