
This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

Friday, 16 August, 2024 - 12:22 pm

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This Shabbat - 13 Av, 5784 • August 17, 2024 we read the portion Va'etchanan, which is the second portion in the Book of Devarim. In this portion Moshe seeks to inspire the new generation of the Children of Israel, as they are about to enter the Land of Israel. He asks them to be mindful of all the miracles and kindness they've received from G-d and how to be cognizant of their sacred mission once they cross the River Jordan to the Promised Land.

This Shabbat is called Shabbat Nachamu - the Shabbat of consolation.  As we read the Haftorah it begins with the word Nachamu repeated twice. This is to teach us that the comforting from G-d will be far greater than all the suffering the People of Israel endured with the destruction of the Temple.

This Shabbat also blesses the holiday of Tu B'Av, which falls on Monday. The Talmud considers this day as one of the greatest holidays on the Jewish calendar. This day was dedicated as Jewish Matchmaking Day. Starting in ancient times, young men and women would meet on this day in the hills around Jerusalem for the purpose of matchmaking.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Kiddush, sponsored by Kevin & Laurie Berzack, in Honor of Tu B'Av - Matchmaking Day and In Honor of Rachel Berendt's Birthday and the Berendt Family Members Serving in Israel.  We wish Laurie much success in her Matchmaking efforts.


Candle Lighting this Friday is at 7:52 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 

 Friday - 12 Av • August 16:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:52 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat -13 Av • August 17:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha will be at 7:20 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:48 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Monday is the holiday of Tu B'av. No Tachanun recited.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 



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