
This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

Thursday, 29 August, 2024 - 2:29 pm

 8-29-24 Kiddush b.png

Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 27 Av, 5784 • August 31, 2024 we read the portion of Re'eh which is the fourth portion in the Book of Devarim. This portion contains the Mitzvah of dedicating a holy place in the Promised Land for the building of the Beit Hamikdash. This location was revealed in the time of King David as Mount Moriah in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim, the Shabbat of blessing, when we bless the new month of Elul, as Rosh Chodesh Elul is this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Elul is the last month of the year and it is known as the month of return and repentance. We begin to sound the Shofar every weekday morning starting this coming Wednesday.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Kiddush sponsored by Brad & Carrie Rabinowitz in honor of Mervin Rabinowitz's Yahrtzeit, Brad's Father, this Shabbat, 27 Av 5784, August 31, 2024. 

Candle Lighting this Friday is at 7:34 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 

Friday - 26 Av • August 30:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:34 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 27 Av • August 31:

  • Reciting complete Book of Tehillim at 8:30 am.
  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:30 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha at 7:15 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:29 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Monday - Labor Day - morning service is at 8:30 am.

Daily Morning Service T-F - 6:30 am.

Rosh Chodesh Elul is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We begin sounding the Shofar on Wednesday morning.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 



We bless the new month of Elul on this coming Shabbat. The word Elul would send shivers throughout the Jewish world as it is the final month of the year and is just 30 Days before Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad, brought about a paradigm shift of Elul when he explained that Elul is the month of G-d' compassion. He likened it to a King in the field who greets all who turn to him with a smile and with kindness. Similarly, G-d welcomes all who turn to him in the month of Elul with kindness and compassion.

Shabbat Shalom

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