Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutoring

Rabbi Binyomin Weiss, who has been an accomplished Baal-Tefilah and Torah reader at Ohr haTorah for many years, leads the Bar Mitzvah Training program at Congregation Ohr HaTorah. He specializes in teaching the melodies of the prayers, leading the services, and teaching the Torah-reading skills. He will meet the pre-Bar Mitzvah boy, and parents, to set up a tailored program that will meet the skill level,needs, and desires of the family. He will give guidance on the ordering of Kosher Tefillin and Talit and all needs in preparation of the Bar-Mitzvah and beyond.

To make an appointment for Bar-Mitzvah training, please contact our office at 704-366-3984.

Bat Mitzvah training is also a priority at Congregation Ohr HaTorah. We will provide the guidance in teaching the prospective Bat Mitzvah girl the skills and ritual training she needs to becoming a knowledgable young Jewish woman. We will help tailor-design a Bat Mitzvah celebration that will make the whole family proud, including a candle lighting ceremony, Dvar Torah, and eveything befitting a young Jewish woman who reaches the age of responsibility in Judaism.

For a detailed explanation of the Bat-Mitzvah curriculum, click here. For more information, please contact Rabbi Cohen at 704-366-3984.

Ohr HaTorah also offers a club that specializes in extra curricular activities for girls ages 10-13. For more information on the Bat Mitzvah club, click here.