
Weekly Update Blog

This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 4 Elul, 5784 • September 7, 2024 we read the portion of Shoftim, where the Torah instructs the Israelites, to establish a system of Law and Order in the land of Israel. These courts were planted at the gates of all the cities in Israel for 2 reasons. 1) To demonstrate to locals and visitors that this city is a place of Law and Order. 2) To make it easy for farmers and people living in rural areas to access justice and dispute resolution.

This Shabbat is the first Shabbat in the month of Elul, a unique month as it is the final month of the Jewish year, when we are given the chance by G-d to correct and to make up whatever has not been fully done in the previous eleven months. The month is called the month of G-d's compassion, when G-d greets and embraces each and everyone of us with a smile.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Kiddush, in Honor of the Men's Club, sponsored by the Ohr HaTorah Men's Club. All members and friends of Ohr HaTorah are welcome to join this fantastic Kiddush event.

 Candle Lighting this Friday is at 7:24 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 



Friday - 3 Elul • September 6:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:24 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 4 Elul • September 7:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha will be at 7:10.
  • Maariv is at 8:19 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 


The Torah portion we read this week opens with the instruction of establishing courts and law enforcement centers at the gates of all cities in the Land of Israel. There is a message for each of us individually in this instruction. We have internal judges at our gates. Our gates refer to our eyes, ears and mouth. We need to be mindful of how we view other people, how we listen (or shouldn't) listen to gossip and how we speak about others. Our mouth also serves as a gate in only allowing Kosher food to come through. The Law Enforcement within us is our ability to refrain from undesirable activity in our minds, hearts and most of all in our actions.

Shabbat Shalom

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This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 27 Av, 5784 • August 31, 2024 we read the portion of Re'eh which is the fourth portion in the Book of Devarim. This portion contains the Mitzvah of dedicating a holy place in the Promised Land for the building of the Beit Hamikdash. This location was revealed in the time of King David as Mount Moriah in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim, the Shabbat of blessing, when we bless the new month of Elul, as Rosh Chodesh Elul is this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Elul is the last month of the year and it is known as the month of return and repentance. We begin to sound the Shofar every weekday morning starting this coming Wednesday.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Kiddush sponsored by Brad & Carrie Rabinowitz in honor of Mervin Rabinowitz's Yahrtzeit, Brad's Father, this Shabbat, 27 Av 5784, August 31, 2024. 

Candle Lighting this Friday is at 7:34 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 

Friday - 26 Av • August 30:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:34 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 27 Av • August 31:

  • Reciting complete Book of Tehillim at 8:30 am.
  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:30 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha at 7:15 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:29 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Monday - Labor Day - morning service is at 8:30 am.

Daily Morning Service T-F - 6:30 am.

Rosh Chodesh Elul is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We begin sounding the Shofar on Wednesday morning.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 



We bless the new month of Elul on this coming Shabbat. The word Elul would send shivers throughout the Jewish world as it is the final month of the year and is just 30 Days before Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad, brought about a paradigm shift of Elul when he explained that Elul is the month of G-d' compassion. He likened it to a King in the field who greets all who turn to him with a smile and with kindness. Similarly, G-d welcomes all who turn to him in the month of Elul with kindness and compassion.

Shabbat Shalom

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This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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 Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 20 Av, 5784 • August 24, 2024 we read the portion of Eikev which is the third portion in the Book of Devarim. In this portion Moshe exalts the physical and spiritual virtues of the Land of Israel. Moshe implores the Jewish people to serve Hashem by observing G-d's Mitzvot and to recognize that their purpose for entering Israel is to reveal the holiness of the Land through the Torah and its precepts.

This Shabbat is the 20th day of the month of Av, which commemorates the 80th Yahrtzeit of the great Tzaddik, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the Rebbe. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was the chief Rabbi of Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine (today known as Dnipro).  He was a world-renowned scholar, Kabbalist, and author.  He died in Communist exile for the crimes of strengthening Judaism and upholding its values under the most trying circumstances. 

We will celebrate his life with a special Kiddush this Shabbat, honoring the teachings and vision of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak. The Kiddush will be held after the morning services and is being sponsored by several donors in our community. All members and friends of Ohr HaTorah are welcome to join us for this celebration.




Friday - 19 Av • August 23:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:43 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 20 Av • August 24:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha will be at 7:20 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:39 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Security meeting for our congregation will be held Sunday at 11:00 am.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 


Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson was a towering figure in Ukraine in the 20's and 30's. He was a Halachic authority, scholar of Kabbalah and the chief Rabbi of Ekaterinoslav and mentor to the Chassidic community. He stood firmly and courageously against the Soviet Regime by fighting for and protecting Jewish observance. Even while exiled in Kazakhstan, he continued to write his deep Torah thoughts in the margins of the few books he had. This was accomplished in thanks to his wife, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson who gathered herbs to make ink for him to write his mystical Torah thoughts for future generations. May his life be an inspiration for us all.

Shabbat Shalom





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This Week at Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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This Shabbat - 13 Av, 5784 • August 17, 2024 we read the portion Va'etchanan, which is the second portion in the Book of Devarim. In this portion Moshe seeks to inspire the new generation of the Children of Israel, as they are about to enter the Land of Israel. He asks them to be mindful of all the miracles and kindness they've received from G-d and how to be cognizant of their sacred mission once they cross the River Jordan to the Promised Land.

This Shabbat is called Shabbat Nachamu - the Shabbat of consolation.  As we read the Haftorah it begins with the word Nachamu repeated twice. This is to teach us that the comforting from G-d will be far greater than all the suffering the People of Israel endured with the destruction of the Temple.

This Shabbat also blesses the holiday of Tu B'Av, which falls on Monday. The Talmud considers this day as one of the greatest holidays on the Jewish calendar. This day was dedicated as Jewish Matchmaking Day. Starting in ancient times, young men and women would meet on this day in the hills around Jerusalem for the purpose of matchmaking.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Kiddush, sponsored by Kevin & Laurie Berzack, in Honor of Tu B'Av - Matchmaking Day and In Honor of Rachel Berendt's Birthday and the Berendt Family Members Serving in Israel.  We wish Laurie much success in her Matchmaking efforts.


Candle Lighting this Friday is at 7:52 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 

 Friday - 12 Av • August 16:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 7:52 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat -13 Av • August 17:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha will be at 7:20 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:48 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Monday is the holiday of Tu B'av. No Tachanun recited.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 



Tisha B'av - Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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 Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 6 Av, 5784 • August 10, 2024 we read the new Book of Devarim. This is the 5th book of the Torah. It is also called Mishna Torah, where many laws mentioned in the previous books are described in this book with more clarity, in a detailed explanatory and broad way. The entire Book of Devarim is considered to be Moshe's last will and testament, as it was delivered just prior to Moshe's passing. 

This Shabbat is also known as Shabbat Chazon - The Shabbat of vision, as it is the Shabbat before Tisha B'av. On this Shabbat we read the Haftorah that begins with the words ... the Vision of Isaiah. Tisha B'av starts this Monday night through Tuesday night.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a special festive Kiddush, sponsored by Reuven and Sarah Henry, in Honor of the 18th Birthday of their daughter Devorah.

Candle Lighting this Friday is at 8:00 pm.

Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 

Friday - 5 Av • August 9:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 8:00 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 6 Av • August 10:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am.
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha is at 7:30 pm.
  • Maariv is at 8:57 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

MONDAY NIGHT - The Fast of Tisha B'av begins at 8:14 pm.

  • Mincha - Erev Tisha B'av - is at 6:00pm. 
  • Maariv and the reciting of the Book of Eicha is at 8:42 pm. 

TUESDAY - Tisha B'av Day 

  • Morning service is at 9:00 am. (No Tallit and Tefillin at this morning service). 
  • Midday is at 1:28 pm. 
  • Mincha (with Tallit and Tefillin) is at 7:00 pm.
  • Maariv will follow Mincha.
  • Fast ends at 8:41 pm.

Morning Service (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) - 6:30 am.

Mincha  (Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday) - 7:30 pm. 

This Shabbat is called Shabbat Chazon, the Shabbat of vision, as it refers to the first words of the Haftorah. Chazon means vision and the vision of Isaiah was seeing the brighter days ahead, known as the Days of Mashiach, when the world will be flooded with goodness, kindness and the Divine light of G-d. This vision is to carry us through the challenging days of Galut, when the world is plunged into darkness and confusion. On this Shabbat, we reflect on the future days when the entire world will be elevated to a higher Divine level which will prompt a change in attitude, to a positive direction. We pray that those days shall be on us now with the arrival of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom



This Week's Update - Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 28 Tammuz, 5784 • August 3, 2024 we read the combined Torah portions of Matot-Massei. With this reading we conclude the Book of Bamidbar. The portions begin with the laws of Vows and how to annul them when in  desperate need. The portion continues with instructions to the Jewish people of how to conquer and divide the Land of Israel. The Torah also describes the legal borders of the future Land of Israel. This Shabbat is Shabbat Chazak, as we conclude the Book of Bamidbar at the Torah reading. 

This Shabbat is the Shabbat when we bless the incoming month of Menachem Av, as Rosh Chodesh falls on this coming Monday. The month of Av begins with the 9 days of sadness, when we lament the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem. The middle of the month (15th of Av) is a time of great rejoicing with a focus on a brighter future.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Deli Kiddush, sponsored by Dave and Janice Cantor, in Honor of their family visiting from Israel. All members and friends of OHT are welcome to join us for the Kiddush luncheon.


Candle Lighting this Friday is at 8:07 pm.

Mincha Mincha will be at 7:00 pm. 


Friday - 27 Tammuz • August 2:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 8:07 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 28 Tammuz • August 3:

  • Reciting the Book of Tehillim at 8:30.
  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:30 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha is at 7:30 pm.
  • Maariv is at 9:05 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm. 

Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av is on Monday.


On Monday we usher in the Month of Av, which starts the observance of the 9 days of Lament. We mourn the destruction of Jerusalem and pray for its rebuilding with the coming of Mashiach. The purpose of these days is not to make us sad or depressed, rather, it is to awaken within us the yearning for better days in our future. During these nine days we refrain from live music, drinking wine and eating meat. Except on Shabbat when we do recite Kiddush on wine and consume meat for the joy of Shabbat. The prophets have prophesied, that these days will be transformed into days of happiness and joy with the arrival of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom


This Week's Update - Congregation Ohr HaTorah

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 Dear Friends,

This Shabbat - 21 Tammuz, 5784 • July 27, 2024 we read the portion of Pinchas. This Torah portion begins with the blessings G-d bestowed on Pinchas, the grandson of Aharon the High Priest, for his heroic act which saved the Jewish people from a devastating plague. The Torah also speaks to the upcoming arrival of the Jews to the Land of Israel, and how the land should be divided by the 12 tribes of Israel, family by family. The Torah goes on to instruct us with the special services and offerings to be observed in the Holy Temple during Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and Jewish Holidays.

This Shabbat we will be celebrating together after service with a delicious Deli Kiddush, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sholom Dovber Cohen, son of Rabbi Shlomo and Yiska Cohen. Sholom Dovber will read the entire Torah portion and deliver a Dvar Torah. The Kiddush is being sponsored by the Cohen Family, in Honor this special milestone in their family. All members and friends of Ohr HaTorah are welcome to join in this festive celebration.

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Friday - 20 Tammuz • July 26:

  • Morning Service - 6:30 am.
  • Candle Lighting - 8:13 pm.
  • Mincha - 7:00 pm. 

  Shabbat - 21 Tammuz • July 27:

  • Shabbat Morning Class - 9:00 am
  • Shabbat Morning Services - 10:00 am.
  • Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon after Morning Services.
  • Mincha Immediately after Kiddush Luncheon.
  • Maariv is at 9:12 pm.

Sunday Morning Service - 8:30 am.

Daily Morning Service M-F - 6:30 am.

Mincha this Week - 7:30 pm.  


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